I have spent the last few years collecting every CS and Engineering text book that’s caught my eye, from Mechanical Engineering to TCP/IP Illustrated. Sadly, as I prepare to move to the US with a single suitcase, I have to “be sensible” and limit which ones I take across. After spending almost the entire day on this horrible problem, I have decided to take three books and aim to truly understand them before I return to the UK in ~2 years (probably). I’ll try and check my understanding so to speak by adding posts to this blog site as I go.

  1. How to Design Programs
  2. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
  3. Software Design for Flexibility

Yes, this is simply SICP and its predecessor and successor. Another book I’d love to take a look at is The Art of the Metaobject Protocol, but maybe three Lisp books is enough for one lifetime.